Friday, May 4, 2012

Smoke (Poem)

Smoke rises
Flowing gracefully
Peacefully entranced
By it's surroundings
Living by it's own laws
Disregarding all around it
Twisting freely
Dancing to it's own rhythm
Embracing it's death
With a slow drift
Into pure oblivion


  1. I’ve spent the last few years standing on this cliff
    People pass by and the edge recedes.
    I turn my back on the abyss and see you
    You walk up to me-inches from my face
    I stand in front of a star teaming with life.
    You close your eyes and walk through me
    I quickly think of the cliff and turn to warn-
    You’re nowhere to be found,
    I stand on the cliff more alone than ever before
    I sit on the edge, watching the rocks shift under my weight
    I close my eyes and breathe.
    And slip from reality.

    1. I had no idea that you posted this. It's amazing.
